Friday, May 25, 2012

First Prayer

I was laying on the couch while Miles was on the love sac. Owen was jumping off the arm of the couch onto Miles. One time, he turned and looked at me. I said, "Go get (attack) your father!" Apparently that registered something in him. He folded his arms and squeezed his eyes shut. Then I heard him say this:

Heavenly Father (which actually kind of sounds like Harry Potter)...
Thankful day...

It was so stinkin cute! I loved that he said it all without prompting. I've never even had him repeat a prayer after me before, so this really was his first, on his own! And who knew that he was actually listening to all those prayers he would half fold his arms for while sneaking food, or squirm during before bed?!


Katherine said...

OH gooooosh that is THE BEST! I read it to my mom and dad and they think you should drop off Owen here in Konz at your earliest convenience!!!! :-)

Lori said...

Seriously adorable! You're doing something right:)