Oh Baby! (19 weeks)
We went in today for the big ultrasound where they measure the baby's growth and make sure all organs are in their place and functioning as they should be. I don't know why I've been paranoid up until this appointment, but it's always nice to go in and get confirmation that everything is looking good. The ultrasound tech once again confirmed it's a baby girl and said she is measuring at about 19 weeks 3 days. Obviously it's not a perfect calculation and since we did IVF, I know her due date for sure. She once again mentioned that my placenta is close to my cervix. She said at this point she would call it a partial placenta previa. She advised me to be careful not to do a lot of jumping or heavy lifting as it could cause contractions or bleeding. She also said she'd like me to come in again in about 6 weeks to check and see how it is looking. Oftentimes if it is just close to the cervix, as your uterus and placenta grows, it will grow upward toward a more nutrient-rich source of blood, moving it away from the cervix. This is my hope. I've been seriously considering doing this delivery naturally and if at time of delivery I do have a placenta previa, then that would mean a c-section. :( I definitely don't want to deal with that. So hear's hoping that my placenta cooperates and moves on up!
It was really fun to see baby girl moving around and see all her little body parts. I love seeing the spine with all the vertebrae. She didn't want to cooperate with giving us a good profile shot. I guess the silver lining to my partial placenta previa is that we'll get to go in for another ultrasound. I'll take as many opportunities to see baby girl as I can! :)
Here's the best profile shot we were able to get:
While we were there, we also had to get a shot for Owen. When I went in at his 2 year check-up, we were just a little early on the schedule (it had to be given exactly 6 months or later from his previous shot). He was very sad about it and cried a lot saying, "Hurt. Hurt." It made me sad. :( I'm really glad that is the last one for a while. I don't think he'll need another until his kindergarten shots. Yay!
YAY baby girl!!!!!
Thanks for your kind words, Kendra. I kind of like this whole blogging thing. I've read your blog but haven't officially followed you until today. I'm so very happy for you and Miles. You're amazing parents and your new baby girl is so blessed to be joinging your family. Have a great day and tell that Miles hello from me!!! Love, Stacy
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