Monday, September 17, 2012

Oh Baby! (37 weeks)

Current complaints:

  • Insomnia - Even if I am super tired and didn't take a nap during the day, I struggle to fall asleep. I have found I have to take a Unisom every night (just half a pill because  even with just that, it makes me a little groggy in the morning) if I want to be able to fall asleep easier and more quickly after I get up to go to the bathroom the 10 times that happens a night. (Ok...more like 3 or 4).
  • Restless legs - This is mostly a problem when I'm trying to fall asleep...making it that much more difficult.
  • Pelvic pressure/pain - I was telling my friend, Kelli, about all the pressure I feel. She said hers was painful. I said, "Oh...mine isn't - it's just a lot of pressure." Yeah, apparently I spoke too soon because the next day it turned to pain. It's pretty uncomfortable and I now better understand the saying of feeling like you're walking around with a bowling ball between your legs.
  • Bending, walking, moving, standing - Yeah...I'm pretty much feeling like a big, slow, blob. I have a really hard time chasing after Owen (and I swear he's taking advantage of that) or picking up his toys. I also get an awesome pain in my right hip if I have been standing or walking for an extended period of time.
  • Anxiety - I wouldn't call this extreme, but I am definitely feeling anxious for baby girl to arrive and therefore it is causing some nesting anxiety in me to get all the things done I want to before she arrives. Eek! So much to do!

At my appointment today, my doctor and I were talking about the labor. I said something to the effect of, "We'll see how it goes..." (regarding me going naturally/sans medication). She asked if I was having doubts. I told her I feel as though people are congratulating me already on something I haven't even done. I mean, all I've done is voice my desire to have a natural delivery. And in all honesty, I just worry that I'll wimp out, not be able to handle it, and just ask for the epidural. Dr. Savage was really great and supportive. She said, "You can do this. You've prepared for it." She told me I will have to decide how I feel and what I want to do when I get to the point of not wanting to go on, but that if there is enough support (Miles, family, her, etc.) we can encourage me along as well. She was just so positive and really encouraging. I appreciated it a lot. It doesn't mean all my fears and nerves are gone, but I'm trying to stay focused and positive on the end goal. I also know that like both my doctor and my friend, Shara, told me - no matter how this baby comes into the world, it is a good thing. And I'm not a failure if I get an epidural.

After the pep-talk, she checked my cervix. I am currently 80% effaced and 1 cm dilated. So...not much, but at least my body is preparing and doing something to progress toward delivery. I don't put a lot of stock in any of those numbers though because I know people go into labor at a lot less, or will be more progressed and have to be induced. It was cute though, cause when I left she said, "I'll see you next week..." patted my belly and said, "...or maybe sooner!" :)

I don't know why, but I've felt for a while that this baby will come early. I'm not experiencing any Braxton Hicks contractions or anything, but I just keep thinking that. At the same time, I don't really put a lot of trust in my intuitions. And just watch...she'll be late. ;)

And since I haven't taken prego pics for a's one of me at 37 weeks:

Last Saturday I got my first, "You're going to have that baby any time now, aren't you?!" comment. It didn't really bother me. I just agreed and said I hoped so. Then later that day, Mitchell saw me and said, "You're big!" Ha! Thanks Mitch. He quickly followed it up with, "In a good way." Again...not offended. I'm ok with it and happy to have a growing baby inside of me. :)


Unknown said...

Yay for being full term!! Medicated or not, you're a rockstar for first being pregnant for 37+ weeks and then delivering!!

Bridget said...

You look beautiful! And I agree, medicated or not, you are awesome :)

Kaela said...

I concur with everyone else, you're beautiful and, meds or no meds, you're awesome! Also, you should wear that poppy color all the time - it is fabulous on you!!!

Rachel said...

I have such a gorgeous friend. You are so radiant with that beautiful baby bump of yours. And you've got support from me, too, all the way down here in Arizona! Meds or no meds, you're going to rock that delivery! I can't wait to see your baby girl!!!!! Ahhh!!!!!!

Rachael said...

It's really not that hard...once it's over. In Tom hanks words "it's the hard that makes it great