Miles, Owen and I went in for our early gender check ultrasound and doctor's appointment today. People have been asking me if I want a boy or a girl. When I was pregnant with Owen, I really wanted a girl, and sadly (to be completely honest) I was a bit disappointed when I heard we were having a boy. Over time that changed and I was about to accept and anticipate the arrival of my sweet, baby boy. I of course, love him more than anything in this world and would not be the same without him. I am SO grateful to have had him first and learn about and love little boy behaviors.
This time, however, has been different.
What are little boys made of?
Slugs and snails
And puppy-dogs' tails,
That's what little boys are made of.
I think it would be so wonderful to have another boy so that Owen could have a brother close to him in age. Also, Miles is the second son, of a second son, of a second son, of a second son, of a second son. Did you catch that?! Yeah...he's the fifth in the line of "second sons." This does not mean the second born, but merely the second son of a family. I think that it would be awesome to have a second son to continue the line.
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice
And everything nice,
That's what little girls are made of.
A girl, would be wonderful. Pink frills, lace, bows, glitter, and dresses. So. Much. Fun. On my families side, there are four grandsons and only two granddaughters. My nieces, Hadley and Elena have been dying for a girl cousin. And on Miles's side, there are no granddaughters - only three grandsons. I know the ladies are itching to buy girly things. And since we don't know how many children we'll be able to have (financially and literally with our fertility treatment), it would be nice to have at least one of each.
So this time, I went in with no expectations or desires or concerns. I knew that I would be 100% happy with whatever the outcome.
Which brings me to the question...
We'll let Owen tell you...

And we couldn't be more thrilled. :)
Here is one of the ultrasound pictures. I was having a hard time taking good pictures of them and our scanner isn't working. Once we get that taken care of I'll post more including her profile and alien face. :)
Oh yes, and here's a picture of the awesome sperm and egg cookies I made as well. :P