Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First haircut

Even though I was strongly opposed to cutting Owen's hair (I love his little whispies and the baby-ish feel they give to him), I decided he needed a little trim, as some of the hairs on the side and back were getting a little out of control.
I definitely had mixed reviews on getting it done. On one side (Dada, Mitchell, Marci, etc.) they were shouting for a hair cut. On the other (Me, both Grandmas, Kim, etc.) they were saying not to get it cut. But I did it. I took him to get his first haircut by Miles's cousin's wife, Annelise. And while I think she did a good job, I'm kind of sad about it. And for the record, I only cried on the inside.

Owen is not a fan of having towels wrapped around him, so she did it without anything (resulting in baby, fine hairs all over Owen's clothes, the chair, and floor).He was also not a fan of sitting on the chair for long, so I pulled out the big guns (a dum-dum). It worked for a little while, but he kept wanting to share it with Sophia. So we moved into the front room so they could be distracted by watching Tangled. He was pretty good after that.
Here is the result:
While they were watching the movie, Sophia was patting and playing with his hair. It was really cute. Maybe she's a hair stylist in the making?
And some pictures I took after his nap:
I asked her not to cut it too short and to keep it longish in the front so he would still look like my baby. I think she did a good job. Thanks, Annelise! :D


Annelise said...

You are very welcome! He is too cute!

Griffsmom said...

He looks so handsome!

Abby Wright said...

He is so handsome. He looks like a little Mark Walburg.

Kendra said...

Hey, Kendra. You missed your opportunity. You should have made a bargain with Miles. We cut Owen's hair if you shave your beard. After all, his whispies didn't look as out of control as a full beard. They just looked baby-ish. Miles looks like a mountain man!