Monday, July 02, 2012

Oh Baby! (26 weeks)

I wasn't supposed to go in for my next prenatal appointment, but I've been having some tingling/numbness in my hands and forearms at night which has led to pretty bad pain in my right hand and wrist during the day. I thought I'd call and see if I could get in before we leave out of town for the week tomorrow. Luckily my doctor was available, so I just decided to do my normal appointment.

I started with the glucose test. Blech. I went in early to grab the drink so I could be at home rather than sit around the office for an hour with Owen. I hadn't told him where we were going, but when we drove up to the office, he said, "Doctor!" I thought that was pretty cute and astute of him to remember. When I started the drink I thought, "'s really not that bad. It's kind of like a strong orange soda." Then as I kept drinking, the strong sugary content started burning my throat. Shortly after, it led to nausea. I've been feeling pretty nauseous ever since I finished it about 5 hours ago. Ew.

Owen and I returned to the office an hour later. When they came in to prick my finger, Owen got really upset. I had to tell him a number of times that it wasn't for him and it was for Mama. He still seemed concerned that they were going to hurt me. And when he was playing in the office, he tripped and broke open a scab on his knee that had been healing. Dr. Savage gave him a band-aid and he said, "Thank you," although he was still pretty bothered and kept talking about how his knee hurt. :(

As for me, I started by asking about my self-diagnosis that I did last week. I told her Miles calls me an "internet hypochondriac." However, she said I was correct in my assessment and she would also say I have pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel. Yippee. (Sarcasm) She gave me some braces for my hands/wrists and said to wear them at night and I can also wear them during the day if it's bothering me. (Luckily at this point, it hasn't been too much of a problem during the day. I hope it stays that way.) She also said it usually goes away after delivery, but in some cases it doesn't. I am seriously dreading that. I do NOT want to live with this forever. Oh, and apparently the extreme itching I've been having in my arms is likely due to swelling as well (which is what causes the carpal tunnel). I haven't noticed a lot of swelling, but I guess it's just enough to be a problem. Lucky me.

I also told her when I sleep a certain way I sometimes get a sharp pain going down my hip and butt. She said it's sciatica. Yay. (Sarcasm again) She said that the uterus/baby are sitting on my sciatic nerve and causing that pain. If just moving makes it go away that is good. But she said that hopefully that's all that it will be, since some women have it all the time. Ugh. Again...I think I would die. Oh the things we do for babies!

Besides that, my glucose levels were great and all was well there. I also asked some questions about Owen (his lisp, pacifier use, potty training, a swollen lymph node he has on the side of his neck, etc.) It's nice to be able to ask questions about him every time I go in since at this point he only goes in once a year for his well-child check-ups. Plus, if I take him in when he's sick, those other types of questions aren't always on my mind.

So besides some discomfort I have to deal with, everything else seems to be good and baby girl had a good, strong heartbeat. I love that sound. It always makes me happy. And I also love all the kicks she gives me. She's starting to get pretty crazy and do some strong movements that make my belly jerk around. I definitely am already in love with this girl.

And for your viewing pleasure, here are some gratuitous shots of me in my awesome wrist braces as requested by Miles and Megan...

Wannabe Gangster:




Sharalea said...


Jenna said...

Ah! Pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel. Been there, done that. Sad part is, after Carson mine never really went away. :(

Glad you got yourself some neato wrist braces. :)

NatalieW said...

cute belly! can't wait to see you all tomorrow :)

deveney said...

Awesome pics, I love you! You can do it and it will get better:)

Christy Gunnell said...

Ha ha love the poses! And seeing your prego belly. Sorry for the annoying discomforts though.

Tiff said...

I had some sort of Pelvic thing that went away LITERALLY after Daphne was born, so there's hope. :)

However, my sciatica started with Malia, got worse with each child, and has never completely gone away.


Nice braces, though! I say decorate them!

taryn said...

I love these pictures and that you are having a sense of humor about it. My fave is the very last "venom" one! Hope it isn't too painful!