Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just a Little Clarification

I've had a couple of conversations with some of my loyal "followers." Ok, just kidding...just some friends who feel an obligatory sense to read my posts so I don't get upset with them. ;) friend mentioned that I will talk about a post I did and she's never seen it. Another friend said that she goes to comment on my posts and can't find them on my blog. There is an explanation for this. If you don't follow my blog on a reader, you will for sure miss out on posts...for the same reason that if you go to my blog from your reader looking to comment on a "recent" post, you won't find it. That is because I often (almost always) post date my blogs. The reason I have this blog (beyond helping friends and family stay in touch with my life) is so I can make it into a book and have a family history of pictures and experiences from each year. To make it easier on me, I post date the blog to when the event actually occurred (or close to it). And let's be honest, I am terrible at staying current on my blog. For instance...I still have to do my Christmas post. So it will seem like a new post, but you'll have to look back in December to find it. Not to mention I'm still behind on blogging about my summer family vacation. SO...if you were confused before, hopefully you aren't even moreso now and instead, that helped to provide a little light on the subject. Sorry I'm a fail blogger and I'm always behind. But thanks for reading!


deveney said...

if you are a fail blogger, then i am a double fail! i am still in august, but so far me new plan to post current and post date the other stuff is working pretty well, which means i might be "caught up" in 2011...who knows, crazier things have happened:)

Rachel said...

haha i read this and though, "i think i've seen all of her posts" and then scrolled down and saw a bunch of stuff i'd never read, ha! awesome, though! i love owen's little face with those cheerios. and kinect looks way way fine. i also absolutely adore your christmas cards :)

Rachael said...

I just need to become a google reader, thats all. Because I don't like to miss your posts!!

Sharalea said...

excellent clarification :)
i love you!!