On my birthday, Miles came home a little bit early and brought me some gorgeous flowers. I wish I had a picture of them. It was a fall bouquet with sunflowers, daisies, and other flora in yellows, reds and oranges. After he got home, we went out to Eagle Mountain with his parents (who were in town just for my birthday! Ok...not really, but it's nice to pretend) to look at a house we were possibly interested in buying. (More on that in a different post) After that, we met up with Marci, Mitchell and two of their friends for dinner at India Palace.

Our dinner was DELICIOUS! Thank you Mom and Dad Wright! The restaurant also treated me to some yummy mango ice cream. You can also see the remains of the Chicken Tikka Masala to the side. Mmm...my tummy is rumbling just thinking about it.
Can I just say that I LOVE the service there? They are always so fast, the food is great, and they are so so friendly. Every single time we have gone in there with Owen, they all seem to gravitate toward him and want to touch him, play with him, tease him, and just over all adore him. It's very sweet and I really love it. One of the women even took him away for a minute to go look at the fish tank. So cute. Here is the host attempting to tie a turban on Owen's head. :)
He wasn't too sure about it...

So Marci jumped in to play peek-a-boo with Owen.
We then came back to our place for cake from Magleby's Fresh. Again...YUM! It was a great evening with even more fantastic company. Thank you Wright family for making me feel special!
Our dinner was DELICIOUS! Thank you Mom and Dad Wright! The restaurant also treated me to some yummy mango ice cream. You can also see the remains of the Chicken Tikka Masala to the side. Mmm...my tummy is rumbling just thinking about it.
So Marci jumped in to play peek-a-boo with Owen.
I also need to give a shout out to my amazing husband. He told me that night that he was giving me a "birthday weekend." He said I would get a small gift on my birthday (the flowers he brought home), something bigger the next day, bigger the next day, and the biggest the last day. I was pretty excited about this. However, his plan did not go as...well, uh, planned. He said that my next gift would be coming in the mail. I waited...and waited...and waited. It didn't come. He told me we couldn't continue on with the gifts because then they would be out of order. So I continued to wait. It seemed it was turning into a "birthday month" (only without gifts every day). Finally he heard from the seller who said she had sent it. That same day, the seller emailed him again and apologized noticing that he had paid for it to be expressed. She said it was in the mail and he had been given a full refund for the product and shipping. Yay!
After all that waiting, I got my present. It was a necklace charm that says Owen, with his birthstone - a diamond. (No, not a real diamond.) I wear it every day. After that, the gifts ensued. Next I got a Blendtec Blender which was totally unexpected and awesome. He got a great deal by getting an employee's discounted cost on the blender. And the last gift was a love letter (my favorite) with coupons good for dates and massages and such. Yay! It was a fabulous birthday and he did a really good job thinking of what I might like. This is definitely a step up from previous years. But we aren't talking about that anymore cause he's starting from a clean slate. :) And I'm loving this new leaf!