Tuesday, January 10, 2012

IVF: US #2

I went in on Sunday for a blood draw. After they got the results, my nurse called and told me to reduce my stimulation medication (Bravelle) from 8 vials to 7.

Today I went in for another blood draw and an ultrasound. This was the first US where the doctor checked my ovaries to see how the egg growth was going. It didn't look like there were that many to me. I asked him about it afterward and he said positively, "You've got a good half dozen." He seemed to think that was enough. It kind of worries me because last time they retrieved about 15 and of the 15, only 7 fertilized. And of the 7 fertilized embryos only 2 were good enough for implantation. And of those two, one implanted. I know that's all you need - just one good egg/embryo. I guess I just worry if we don't have enough to work with, we'll be left with nothing. I just have to trust that the doctors know what they are doing.

He did also talk to me in the past about being a good candidate for a low-stimulation cycle (less medications and less eggs). He said, "I'd rather have 2 or 3 good quality eggs than 15 poor quality eggs." So...I guess that's what I'm hoping for with the little eggs that are growing inside of me.

The nurse called me later this afternoon and said to decrease my Bravelle to 5 vials tonight and 4 tomorrow. I go in again for another blood draw and US on Thursday.

Some other random thoughts...
The nurse was talking to me about ordering more medications. We were trying to determine approximately how much I would need (which is hard when you never know if you will stay the same, go up, or go down on the medication). She was saying that sometimes you can be a little more "greedy" when the insurance company is covering it and over-guesstimate how much you will need. I asked her hypothetically what I would do with my leftover medication if my cycle is successful. She said that I should hold on to it for at least the first 3 months (when concerns of miscarriage are higher). She said they also have a medication "depot" where they accept medication for patients who cannot afford to pay for them. I was really happy about that because I'd love to help someone else out if I can.

Something else I've been thinking a lot about is how incredibly blessed I am with wonderful friends who are willing to watch Owen while I go to my appointments. So far, just one friend has taken on all of the babysitting. I am so grateful to know that I have a competent, caring mother watching over my son, and that he has a great time while he's there. I'm also appreciative of the friends who have expressed willingness to step in when necessary. It's so reassuring - especially when I have so many appointments and don't always know when they will be. I have wonderful friends in my life!


Veronica said...

Have lots of Faith and trust in Our Heavenly Father. You are an amazing person and deserve so many good things. I will pray for you Mi querida amiga. Muchos besitos. ;0)

Holly said...

Glad things are going well. I'd love to watch Owen sometime!! Please don't hesitate to call!

Christy Gunnell said...

Speaking of wonderful friends who love to watch Owen, am I watching the tike tomorrow (Thursday)? I'm still ready and willing but I see from the post that you do have a Dr's appt again tomorrow. If you'd like me to watch him for that rather than your conference let me know :)

Holly Petty said...

Hooray! My thoughts and prayers are with you from the E. coast. I love the updates...I was so glad to stumble on this one especially :)