Monday, January 31, 2011

Sick, sick, sick

Miles and I have been super sick this past week. We got this nasty cold-flu hybrid that had us down for the whole week. Miles was a bit sicker than I was, but it's good I wasn't as bad so I had some energy to take care of Owen. Although that may be stretching it a bit. It was more like I had enough energy to sit him in front of his toys while I passed out on the cuddle bag. Poor Owen didn't get a whole lot of attention from either parent this past week. Gratefully, he was an excellent baby and didn't require a lot from us. I'm also really glad that he didn't get sick from either of us. That is a miracle in and of itself. So anyway...needless to say, we've been blobs around the house for the past week. So I'll blame my lack of blogging on the fact that I was sick. Sadly, I still have to catch up from Christmas, among other things. I'll get back on the horse soon....


Janie said...

It seems like everyone I know has been sick with something or other since Nov including myself!! I feel for you Kendra. I hope you guys are well soon!

Sharalea said...

GIRL! I am so sorry you've been so sick. I remember when I was pregnant with Jackson it hit me one day: Someday I will be sick, but I won't ever be able to lay around with no worries EVER AGAIN! How do you do "sick" with kids!?

And's a balancing act. Tv shows, toys, snacks...not fun & not easy but once it's over, you're so glad, right?

Hope you guys continue to feel better & get your energy back. This season has been rough with all the viruses going around!!

Holly said...

I sure hope Miles is doing better--since I didn't see him at church with you guys yesterday. So, so sorry again that you were all so sick. And I'm sorry I never ended up watching Owen for you!

Laura Horne said...

Sad to hear you guys were sick =( It is so much worse being sick as a mom than it was pre-kids...hope we get to see you guys soon!

Bridget said...

So does this mean you're better? Do we have a date this Wednesday? :)