Monday, December 05, 2011

Beard Gone Viral

One day, Miles and I were disagreeing about the state of his facial hair. I told him that I wanted him to shave it for family pictures before it got too bushy and out of control. He informed me that he had no desire to shave it and that he "couldn't" because he and his friends were growing "Christmas beards." Oh please. Christmas beards. This man has a beard on his face practically 360 days out of the year. As we couldn't come to an agreement, Miles suggested we leave it to our many (many) near and dear (1000+) "friends" on Facebook to decide by voting on a poll.

Miles created a poll where people could vote for Miles to either Keep or Shave his beard. Within hours, friends and family members had shared the poll on their facebook pages requesting votes on this poll. (Some unfairly swaying voters by telling them how to vote...ahem *Mitchell, Marci, and Logan*). We decided to let the voting continue over the weekend and end on Monday at 5 PM.

Over the few days it was up, we got 155 votes and probably about 50 comments regarding his beard. It was hilarious because friends of friends of friends were voting and commenting. In some cases neither of us had any connection to the person. Sadly, I lost 62 to 93.

Here is the picture of his beard we posted on the poll. I can only imagine how bushy it will be by the end of the month. :(

1 comment:

Jack said...

This was the day that I was glad I have never deleted a friend from Facebook. My social media power is simply greater than yours Kendra. No hard feelings, right?