Tuesday, December 06, 2011

IUI Attempt #3


Whenever you go in for an IUI, before the procedure, they tell you the stats of the sperm. Miles and I were both surprised when the stats were so good...like above average good in all areas. I guess it made me a little more hopeful that things might work out. But then I have to remind myself that even in totally normal couples with no infertility problems, the chance of conception is only 17%. I was so hopeful this time that I actually took two pregnancy tests (one early and one on day 15 following the IUI). Both were negative and then my cycle started on day 16.

We decided that since things have changed with our insurance that we would just proceed with IVF if it didn't work this time. So I called the nurse to let her know I was on cycle day 1, and get going with the IVF process. So from here on out I'll be documenting the IVF process both for myself and others. I would like to have a more complete record of how things go because I didn't document everything last time. I also hope that it will be helpful to at least one person out there, in understanding infertility, the IVF process, and what options might be available. Welcome to our personal journey with IVF....


Tiff said...

Praying for you.

Jenna said...

So sorry, Kendra. You guys are in our prayers.

Kim said...

How come it has taken me so long to join your blog??? Well, as you are well aware I am very familiar with this ride as you were sitting on MY roller coaster several years ago. You have made me the happiest mom in the world and I have faith that God will continue to bless you for your selflessness. An eternal "thank you" from the bottom of my heart and best of luck!! I wish there was more that I could do, but you know I will be praying for YOU.

Sharalea said...

Oh Kendra! I think it's awesome how open and detailed you are being on your blog--I'm sure there are many who can benefit from the information plus your hopeful strength.

Will be praying for IVF success, I am sorry the IUI attempts were not the best routes at this time.

love you!!

Holly said...

I'm so sorry Kendra. Hang in there! Hopefully IVF will bring success quickly. You'll be in our prayers! (P.S. It's been way too long since we've seen each other! We'll be bringing by some holiday treats sometime in the next week!) :)

taryn said...

I'll keep you in my prayers! Thank you for posting about this. I have a few friends who have had infertility troubles, and have never shared much about it (maybe I should have asked more questions). This has really opened my eyes to what you and others have to go through, and the ups and downs of it all. I love reading about your journey and praying for the best for you!

Olivia said...

I'm sorry Kendra. What a challenging process to go through. Will be praying for you!