Thursday, December 15, 2011

IVF: Beast

Ugh! I feel like such a beast these days. Miles always said that when we were first married and I was taking birth control (obviously unnecessarily), that I was not the nicest of people. I didn't really remember that being the case, but I've taken his word on it. Well...with starting this IVF cycle, I've had to go back on birth control. It's only been about a week, and I can totally tell a difference in myself. I'm irritable. I snap at Owen over things that really shouldn't matter. Small things bother me way more than they should. I feel like an emotional wreck and a big, mean, wicked witch. I guess the only good thing is that I actually recognize what's going on, and hopefully I can try and keep myself in check. And of course, it's only temporary. Although...I was talking to my friend about it and she said, "Wait until you're pregnant!" ...let's hope this isn't just a precursor to nine months of emotional misery. ;)


Kim said...

OK, my sister the beast, I have a suggestion...why don't you leave the beastly meds when you come out to California next week then restart when you get back home! Just a suggestion.....

jessipants said...

awe kendra. i love your guts. you are one patient "beast" to continue going through what you do. and the gold medal goes to...YOU! i love you! xo