I've been a bit nervous about getting things rolling with my IVF cycle, as I am supposed to pay for the cycle up front before we begin. However, since we are doing it through insurance, we needed to get it approved and pre-authorized in order to move forward. This meant that we also couldn't get our medications until it was authorized. I was getting anxious that we wouldn't be able to get everything ok'd and taken care of in time and in accordance with our schedule. However...I was wrong. Luckily, after I spoke with my insurance, they were able to get the pre-auth within a couple days. It was amazing to get the call from the billing department informing me that our IVF cycle, including ICSI, would be covered. AMAZING! I knew what our benefits were, but it's just different hearing it for real.
The next hurdle was to get my medications to CA before I needed to start them on the 23rd. I spoke with my nurse who said I should hear from my insurance's pharmacy within the next day and confirm overnight shipping and any payment details. I spoke with them in the late afternoon on the 21st, and took care of paying our deductible. The next morning I received the medications on our doorstep. They came from Pennsylvania. I couldn't believe how quickly they arrived. But I was extremely relieved to have them a day early and know that we could start moving ahead as planned.
Here is a picture of all the medications, syringes, alcohol swabs, bandaids, and sharps container that I got this morning. I like that Owen is in the background. Kind of like a foretelling of what's to come, I hope. I also like that his face is a little apprehensive. Not sure what he thinks about a new sibling? ;)
So there it is. We start injections in my tummy tomorrow. I'm going to keep a tally of how many shots (including blood draws) I do during this cycle. Let the fun begin!
Let the prayers begin! We are very excited for you guys. You are in our prayers.
Good luck to you! Thanks for sharing your journey!
I wish you the very best! I think it's so great that you are recording all of this. I'm sure it'll help someone to read about a person going through the same process they are. You are a brave brave woman with those injections!
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