Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Oh Baby! (36 weeks)

Today was pretty uneventful as far as I am concerned. I didn't want her to check my cervix since I had Owen with me and he likes to open and close the door the entire time we are in the room. I've set it up to have early appointments for the next three weeks so Miles can stay with Owen in the morning before work. And besides...I seriously doubt it will tell me much to check now versus in a week. Seems like people can be dilated/effaced for such a long time anyway before anything happens. Besides that, I'm still measuring on track and baby girl's heartbeat is good as always. Today, while we were listening, the doctor asked Owen what he thought. He said, "It's too noisy." Ha! Silly goose.

While I was there, I decided to ask a couple questions about Owen. One was just about his eating. I feel like I'm pretty ok with letting him eat how he will (meaning, a lot or nothing for the day), but there are some days when I feel as though he should be starving with the amount he gets in his tummy. She told me not to worry unless he has an actual food aversion (which he doesn't) and that he will get what he needs. Good enough for me.

My main question was about taking away Owen's pacifier. I finally bit the bullet and ended pacifier use during naps and nighttime on Saturday night (separate post to come). It has been rough. So I said, "Sometimes I wonder why I am doing this." She laughed. Then a minute later I said, "No. Really. Why am I doing this?" She said that it will cause problems with his teeth down the road. When she went to expound on other reasons she said, "And...." I thought it was funny she didn't have a list of reasons. She eventually said, "And, it's time for him to grow up and move on." While I really like my doctor a lot, and I value what she says (she has raised six kids, typically has good reasoning/research/experience to back her up, etc.) I found this reason to be lacking. I mean, I get it. But at the same time, Owen only uses it at night (unless he's sick, or we are traveling and I want him to stay calm or go to sleep in the car/plane) and I don't feel a strong desire to force him to grow up. At this point though, I figure we should stick with it and see how the rest of the week goes. But there's definitely a part of me that regrets getting rid of it. Maybe I'll be glad I did in a week or two...or month. And maybe with the next child, I'll do it sooner so it's not as hard. Maybe I just don't want Owen to grow up...yet.

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