Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Going to the Beach

Last night, Owen came to me and said, "Do you want to come with me, Mommy? We're going to the beach!" He then proceeded to set up Elsie's car seat and his chair in a row as a "make-believe" car. He told me to sit in my car seat (his chair) so he could buckle me in. I told him I was too big and sat on the floor behind it to pretend I was in a different seat. Apparently that was silly of me because he started laughing and said, "No, Mommy! You can't sit on the floor!" Then I suggested baby Elsie ride with him. He said, "Put baby Elsie in her car seat so I can buckle her in." I walked toward her car seat, which was again the wrong move as I was informed that was the car. So I sat her in his chair. He then hopped inside the car seat to "drive" to the beach. I asked if he was going to see the ocean. He said, "Nooooo. There's not the ocean. It's the beach!" Ooooh....riiiiight.

I love that he checked on Elsie to make sure she was ok.

Then he said, "Let me get my keys." So I gave him mine, and he pretended to start the ignition.

Elsie started to slip, so I picked her up. Owen started to cry really hard and said, "NO! Put baby Elsie back!" I thought it was so sweet that he wanted her to be a part of his make-believe play. I'm loving this stage and watching his mind explode with creativity.


Sharalea said...

The creative play is the best! This is adorable, way to go capturing it on camera!! :)

taryn said...

Such a good imagination! Its so fun to see what they come up with. How fun for your little Elsie to have a sweet/protective big brother.

Megs said...

I'm glad I didn't ruin his imagination.