Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Reading, Reading, Reading...

I've always had a love of reading, but while in school, I stopped reading for pleasure. Reading all those text books...wait...who am I kidding...I didn't do my assigned readings. But anyway...being FORCED to read made reading for pleasure less desirable. Once I graduated I started to read again. But eventually, my love of reading wained again when I started feeling bogged down by work and didn't want to use my free time to read anymore. Well...I have found a new way to enjoy reading again. I read while I nurse Owen. I mean, there have got to be hours of time each day that I am sitting there feeding him, so why not multi-task. I first started multi-tasking by becoming a Facebook addict on my phone while nursing, but then decided that my time could be spent more productively by reading.
In May I read:

In June I downed six books:

And so far in July I have read:

It has also helped that I joined a book club, so that gives me one reading assignment per month. However, I'm devouring books faster than that. Anyone have any good reading suggestions for me?


Kelli said...

I'm loving "Anthropology of an American Girl" and it's really long. Did you like the Hedgehog one? I gave up on it.

Kelli said...

Oh and on my blog I've listed all my favorite books. Those are my suggestions to you :)

Abby Wright said...

Thats amazing! I watchend all 4 season of prision break while nursing. You are so much better then me! But I dont have free hands while nursing to read, you are more advanced:)

Rachael said...

Read "the Help"-- you will love it. And you have given me ideas for my next book devouring session. nursing times get shorter and shorter and the baby's attention gets diverted, so enjoy the reading time while you have it. Having a baby was definitely the best thing for my reading hobby.

Jenny said...

funny how school did that to us huh? Now there is so much I want to read, it's nice I get to choose what :) are you on It's a great site where you can see books friends rate and review, catalog what you've read and want to, I love it! If you get on there, add me, I'm always adding new books and have been exposed to so many books I've liked that I would not have found otherwise.