Thursday, September 30, 2010

5 months

I've had this post done for a while. I was trying to add some video of him rolling over, but I haven't taken the time to figure it out, so I might as well post this already!

Owen has definitely grown since his 4-month appointment. We've been pumping him with 2-3 oz. of formula in addition to nursing at each feeding. His little face, belly and legs are getting chunkier. In the past month he has gained about three pounds (the same amount he gained in the first four months of his life!) I think Miles is a little surprised by his weight gain and keeps saying, "Maybe we shouldn't feed him so much." I continue to assure him that this is what babies are supposed to look like...not like the skinny little boy we were so accustomed to. But Owen is still in his 0-3 month clothes, so as "fat" as he looks to us, he still has a ways to go.

Lately his sleeping has been all over the place. Sometimes he wakes up after only 2 hours and continues to wake up throughout the night. Other times he sleeps through the night without a peep. I don't know what's going on with him. It's very inconsistent.

But what's really been driving me nuts are his naps. For the past couple weeks, he rarely sleeps longer than 30 minutes. I was so used to his 2-3 hour nap plus other 1-hour naps throughout the day. Which was great for me to get some sleep or to get things done around the house. Now, I'm lucky to get 20 minutes of shut-eye or accomplish even the simplest of tasks. It's been especially tough since I have been exhausted with his erratic night time sleeping. And then on top of it, Owen will take a short nap only to later fall asleep on me/the boppy while I feed him. Ugh. Can we please consolidate these naps?!

Otherwise, he is doing great and continues to grow and develop in a healthy way. The most exciting event of the past month is that Owen learned to roll over! On September 10th, he rolled over from his back to his tummy. And I am a terrible Mom. I was in the other room on the computer while he was on his play mat laying like this:
I walked in to check on him because I heard him grunting...which he was doing because he had rolled onto his tummy! He was laying like this:How the heck he rolled over to that angle is beyond me. So I missed the very first time. I was sad. Gratefully he repeated the milestone for me within about 30 minutes. However, after that, he stopped rolling over for a while. But recently on the 24th, he perfected his roll and did it multiple times in a row very quickly. As exciting as his accomplishment is, it's a sad day as I officially cannot leave him unattended on the changing table or my bed. :( What's especially funny about him rolling over is that he hates being on his tummy and after a little while will start fussy and crying about it. So then I roll him over to his back and he just as quickly rolls back to his tummy. He's such a goofball. He just needs to learn how to roll from his tummy to his back so he can take care of it when he gets frustrated.

Something he's done for a while but I've failed to mention is that he gets the hiccups all the time when he laughs too much. It's kind of sad, but really funny.

On Sept. 15th, I caught him full on sucking his thumb. He's done this before, but not since he was very tiny. He hasn't actually done it since, and instead continues to suck on his fingers, fist, and pretty much anything else he can get in his mouth. But I still thought it was pretty cute.

The next day at 12:30 AM (after he did one of his, "let's wake up only a couple hours after you put me to bed" moments) some fire engine sirens went by outside. He looked up at me, gave me the biggest pouty face ever, and burst into tears. Loud noises really seem to scare him, especially sirens or when other babies cry, loudly. On the other hand, if I make a loud noise like "Boo" when I play peek-a-boo with him, he gives a timid smile and then ends up giggling.

He has also started sticking his legs straight up in the air in a pike formation. This led to...
Finding his toes! Also on the 16th, while getting his diaper changed he discovered his feet and started grabbing at them. Now, most diaper changes end up with his toes in his hands in an attempt to bring them toward his mouth.

Owen has also started sucking on his thumb while drinking from his bottle. He's very talented that way.

He gets delirious when he's tired and sometimes he will giggle at nothing before falling asleep in my arms. This makes me laugh, but I quickly remind him that it's not time to play, but time for sleep!

He likes to bounce.

When he sees me or Miles, he gets really excited and does this movement that's like a flailing fish out of water. Other times he does a big smile and then shyly turns he face into my shoulder.

He has gotten quite adept at grabbing his pacifier out of his mouth and will suck on it backwards and sideways. Sometimes he can get it back in his mouth the way it's supposed to go.

Lately he has been exploring his voice with squeaks, yells and all kinds of crazy, fun noises.

It is really fun to see his cute little personality developing. He is a goofball for sure!


Jean said...

Oh my goodness, he is so darn cute!! Kendra, you're seriously making me baby hungry!!

Rachael said...

I can totally see a difference in his weight gain. He does look chunkier. and totally unrelated to that last comment, is that he looks a lot more like you Kendra. His face reminds me of you. What great accomplishments he is having lately! Sounds like you guys are having some fun together and getting adjusted.

Kaela said...

He is too too cute!! Bennett does the exact same thing, rolls over constantly, but hates it so he fusses until I flip him over - then he does it again! You should check out "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child", it really helped get Bennett napping better and sleeping at night. Maybe it'd have some good tips for Owen?