Miles was showing Owen the ropes of how to handle a gun in a shooting arcade game:
Abby and Noah Wright (no relation that we are aware of...however, Abby and I are birthday and last name twinners who both had baby boys within two months of each other) with me and Owen. It was our first time meeting each other's little ones.
Laura, Eric and Maggie Horne:
Amos and Audrey Horne. It was also our first time meeting baby Audrey. She is just two weeks old!
Josh Blade with Amos:
So - weird story. I think Danny knows that girl Karly from his mission. Is she from Hilton Head, SC? I recognize her from pictures. And I think Danny and I ran into her Dad one time out here in UT. I would ask Danny, but he's not home from work, and I'll probably be asleep by the time he gets home, and then forget all about it
Cute! That was a really fun night.
FINALLY!!! Cute pictures!
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