Tuesday, December 04, 2012


I need some advice/opinions on what to do with my hair. I've been growing it out for a while now and I like it, but I'm also itching to do something drastic. Of course, that could be because I just had a baby and 1) it's getting pulled a whole lot and 2) it usually ends up in a ponytail because I don't have the time, energy, or motivation to do much with it.

Here it is currently. Obviously I didn't flatiron it or do anything special to it...*rolls eyes* - typical...

It was really long after I had Owen and then I chopped it. This time I was thinking of some different things...
- Chop it? (But keep it long enough to still have a ponytail...always a requirement for me.)
- Blunt bangs? (I've never done this before...scary?)
- Side swoop bangs?
- Dye it? (I've done this only once. I've always been blonde, except for one crazy winter I decided to go dark. I liked it when it was really dark at first, but it quickly faded to a reddish hue I didn't really like.) Here's a picture of it short and dark:

- Some combination of the above?

What are your thoughts?


Social Justice/Human Rights/Macro Project said...

Okay...I am your sister and I never knew you went to the dark side until now?? Love the photo of the dark, short hair! Way cute.

Social Justice/Human Rights/Macro Project said...

Okay...I am your sister and I never knew you had gone to the dark side?? Love the photo of the dark, short hair. I say give it a go once more!!

Jan and Carol Van de Wetering Family said...

NOOOOOOO!!! Don't go dark. You're my last remaining blonde. Even though Kimmie has become naturally darker, I still think of her as a blonde. And NO ONE can match Kerry's beautiful brunette hair, do don't even try. Blondes have more fun... I met and married your daddy as a blonde. Now my grey is my blonde. If you need the $$$ I'll assist in your maintenance. Cut it, fluff it, whack it, whatever,.... but don't mess with mother nature. LOL

P.S. The only dark side that is good for you is DARK CHOCOLATE.

Rachel said...

Chop it! Short hair is always my go-to style when I need something different. And if your hair grows fast, you can have it long again in no time. And I love dying my hair. You can always dye it back if you need. I've been a blonde, I've had straight up black hair, and once had this weird strawberry thing going on (not my favorite). Or do streaks... or omber! Blonde hair looks amazing with some nice pretty highlights mixed in with lowlights.

So - I'm probably not the best person to ask because I'm all about going drastic with hair :) Also, you look super super cute with dark short hair! I've never seen that pic before - love it! And the great thing about hair is you can change it - change it drastic and then change it back if you don't like it.